Boarding school director Julia is looking for her fake groom and accidentally finds the great love.

The mature Julia has achieved everything and has everything under control, only in love things are not going well. After a big flop, she has to decide whether she wants to trust a man again and embark on the adventure of love once more.

Rarely has boarding school principal Julia Gardener (Catherine Bode) looked forward to her summer vacation so much: she’s getting married! The man of her dreams, John, is already waiting for her at an idyllic summer house on a dreamy island off the US coast. When Julia arrives there, she can hardly believe her eyes: the beach house turns out to be a musty diner, and instead of John, a grumpy fisherman named Rick (Thomas Unger) lives there. Julia has fallen for a marriage swindler – and in the house, which doesn’t seem to exist, are not only her entire savings, but also, of all things, her mother Carla’s (Beatrice Richter) retirement savings. When raising her daughters, Carla was always particularly keen that the two should never become financially dependent on men, certainly not by getting married.

Time is running out, Julia wants to turn in her missing groom before it all comes out. Together with the patent island policewoman Sergeant Molly Pepper (Petra Kleinert), she sets out on his trail. At the same time, she begins to enjoy the simple island life, and Julia and Rick grow closer. But then she discovers a connection between Rick and the missing John….

The script for this comedic quest for happiness was penned by Astrid Ruppert and directed by Helmut Metzger in a fast-paced setting on the Boston coast: The “Katie Fforde” love story celebrates life, which indeed fulfills many a dream – but in a different way than planned….

Photos: © ZDF/Rick Friedman

  • Drehbuch
    Astrid Ruppert

    Helmut Metzger

    Meinolf Schmitz

    Lars Brockmann

    Carola Neutze

    Jens Fischer

    Heidrun Petersen

    Friederike von Normann

    Christa Lassen

    Roger Daute

    Jenny Maruhn

    Nina Tanneberger

    Jutta Lieck-Klenke, Sabine Jaspers

    Network Movie, Hamburg

    Verena von Heereman

    Die Darsteller:
    Catherine Bode
    Thomas Unger
    Beatrice Richter
    Petra Kleinert
    Michael Lott
    Merle Collet
    Jeremy King
    Niamh Barrios

Der ZDF-"Herzkino"-Film wurde in Neuengland an der amerikanischen Ostküste gedreht. Neben Catherine Bode und Thomas Unger spielen Beatrice Richter, Petra Kleinert, Michael Lott und Merle Collet. Produziert wird "Katie Fforde: Zimmer mit Meerblick“ im Auftrag des ZDF von Network Movie Hamburg. Produzentinnen: Jutta Lieck-Klenke und Sabine Jaspers. Producerin: Nina Tanneberger. Verena von Heereman ist die verantwortliche Redakteurin im ZDF.