Based on a true incident, “Blue Water Life” tells the story of a young woman who lives her big dream of sailing around the world with her boyfriend, but after a brutal end has to face the question of a new future and her own life’s dream.
Heike and Stefan have been a couple for many years and have a common dream, which they are able to realize after a long wait: They sail around the world in their own catamaran. Their happiness seems perfect when they find a beautiful paradise on the island of Nuku Hiva in the South Pacific. Here they experience their desire for unrestricted freedom in harmony with nature, as they had always dreamed.
But then their happiness comes to an abrupt end: after an excursion with the local Arihano, Stefan does not return to the boat. Heike is led by Arihano into the jungle to look for Stefan, who is supposedly lying there injured. But suddenly Arihano points a gun at her and Heike has to fear for her life. However, she is able to free herself and get help. During the subsequent search, Stefan’s burnt skellet is found in the jungle. Arihano has disappeared.
Heike is not only confronted with the probing questions and suspicions of the French investigator, but back in Germany she must come to terms with the traumatic experience and give her life a new meaning. In the process, she must also face the question of the extent to which the trip was her own dream and not just Stefan’s. After the last few years, which were always characterized by her great desire for freedom, she experiences such unconditional loving support from her family in this situation, which gives her life a new note.
Strengthened by this experience, she returns to the scene of the terrible events to confront her friend’s murderer and make peace with the past.