For Christiane (Katja Flint) and Mathis (Martin Brambach) a nightmare comes true: their son Jonas has been killed in a surfing accident in Hawaii and is missing. Immediately, the two board the next plane to find out about his disappearance. Daughter Lotte (Mala Emde), practicing for an audition with the youth orchestra, is left shocked and bitterly disappointed: once again, all attention belongs to her big brother.
On the main Hawaiian island of Maui, Tom (Juergen Maurer), Mathi’s childhood friend, receives the parents. Jonas has been staying with him. When it is finally determined that Jonas has died, Mathis wants to return to Hamburg as quickly as possible to organize the funeral. Christiane, on the other hand, cannot yet say goodbye to her son forever: She wants to learn more about the last days and weeks before the accident. Alone, she embarks on a journey that will help her deal with the profound loss and gain confidence in the past. When Mathis flies to Maui again, bringing daughter Lotte with him to the island, the three must face the question of how to reunite as a family….
In DAS PARADIES IN UNS, director Judith Kennel (Unter anderen Umständen, WER LIEBT LÄSST LOS) uses her precise staging on the exotic filming location of Hawaii to create a moving family story that tells of the strength of love and of mutual trust with great authenticity. Other roles are played by Barbara Focke and Max Landgrebe, among others. The film is produced by Network Movie Hamburg, Jutta Lieck-Klenke. Alexander Bickel is the editor at ZDF.