The comedy series “FETT UND FETT” portrays the attitude to life of young city dwellers. A panorama of the reality of life for young people, with everything that goes with it: living, loving and laughing, working, celebrating and crying. Trimafilm co-produced the first season of this comedy series with ZDF/Das kleine Fernsehspiel and Network Movie.
“FETT UND FETT” tells of the woes of young Jaksch, who is actually doing well but doesn’t know what he wants and can never decide on anything. As a perpetual drifter, Jaksch encounters people you meet every day and those you rarely get to see. Between being driven and drifting, a panorama of fading youth emerges, with everything that is important: food, drink, sex and money.
It’s about life at the end of one’s 20s, as it is today or as it perhaps always was. And about the search for… yes, what for, actually? “You get to an age where you realize that you only enjoy a few things in life: Food, drink, sex and money. But sex and money are difficult, so you end up fat and drunk.”-Jaksch
“FETT UND FETT” screened at the Munich Film Festival in the New German Series section.
The six episodes are available for 6 months in the ZDFmediathek since October 7, 2019, 10:00 and will be broadcast on ZDF from Monday, October 14, 2019 at 00:15.
Chiara Grabmayr and Jakob Schreier came up with the idea for “Fett und Fett”. There are five “old” prequel episodes, produced by the two students of the HFF Munich alone, which will also be shown on ZDF and will be available in the ZDFmediathek.