“Erlöse mich” is the sixth film in the ZDF crime series “Neben der Spur” – loosely based on the novels of the same name by bestselling Australian author Michael Robotham, starring Ulrich Noethen in the role of renowned Hamburg psychiatrist Dr. Johannes “Joe” Jessen and Juergen Maurer as inspector Vincent Ruiz. This time Jessne’s mysterious patient Milena Lorenz (Anna Bederke) becomes the target of the investigators. The film was directed by Josef Rusnak from a script by Mathias Klaschka.
Psychiatrist Joe Jessen (Ulrich Noethen) not only has to deal with the fact that he recently shot a man. The separation from his wife Nora (Petra van de Voort) and his Parkinson’s disease also continue to give him a hard time.
When his practice is vandalized by a burglar, Joe’s facade seems to crumble. During the burglary, the patient file of Milena Lorenz (Anna Bederke) was stolen, whose husband David disappeared without a trace six months ago. Since then, she has been forced by the arcade owner Hasim Klaudiusz (Eray Egilmez) to work off David’s gambling debts as a prostitute.
When the arcade owner’s driver is murdered, Milena Lorenz is targeted by the Hamburg police in the form of Vincent Ruiz (Juergen Maurer). Joe Jessen does not believe that she is capable of committing murder.
But when other people in Milena’s environment die, doubts come to him as well. From the child psychiatrist Dr. Sternberg (Rüdiger Vogler), who treated Milena many years ago, Joe learns unbelievable things. Then events overturn and Joe has to prove both his criminalistic talent and his skills as a psychiatrist in order to prevent a tragedy.
Photos © ZDF / Marion von der Mehden