After midwife Antonia Hellmann (Marion Kracht) has set up a midwifery school in Namibia, she returns to Tegernsee together with adopted son Nahas (Luka Kumi). Antonia and Thomas (Michael Roll) had taken the Namibian orphan boy to their hearts at the “Doctors Worldwide” bush clinic. The adoption has been applied for and must now be confirmed by the German district court. The joy of reuniting with the new father Thomas Hellmann is great. But he soon finds himself heavily occupied with difficult tasks at the “Klinik am See”: The heavily pregnant ethnologist Gesine Müller (Nicola Ransom) is admitted to the clinic with suspected Lassa fever, and it is possible that senior physician Dr. Markus Leitner (Markus Böker) and midwife Helena (Julia Bremermann) have contracted the virus. Now, of all times, Kai Winter (Rudolf Krause) from the Youth Welfare Office wants to get a picture of the Hellmanns’ family life, and a negative report from Naha’s teacher threatens to jeopardize the adoption.